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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:20:15
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1. natural balance是什么意思

1. 自然平衡:(三)营造优质经营环境,配合地区重点特色,发展文化生态旅游:由於原住民族地区有独特的人文、自然生态及生物多样性等资源,是发展生态旅游之重要凭藉,因此在严格限制自然平衡(natural balance)的原则下,使部落周边河川、森林、野生动物等受到重视及保育,


2. 雪山:本周稍早,另外两家宠物食品公司,雪山(Natural Balance)与Blue Buffalo,也宣布回收使用受污染的大米浓缩蛋白制造的猫狗饲料. 州政府兽医布瑞特梅尔说,北加州西瑞尔斯的美国猪舍的七份尿液样本与两份饲料样本的检验结果,全都对化学物质呈阳性反应.

3. 美国雪山:吾爱吾宠商贸公司目前为韩国P.S.系列洗护用品、美国哈利贝贝营养保健品、美食传说宠物罐头、美国雪山 (Natural Balance)香波、道格(荣信)宠物用品、Peppets宠物零食的北京总代理商,并经销美国克莉丝汀森香波、美国医仕高、法国维克、荷兰威霸系列营养保健品,

4. 生态平衡:NATO 北大西洋公约组织 | natural balance 生态平衡 | nervous system 神经系统

Protect born too, protection from shut, natural balance, spectacular, be natural spirit beautiful home! ! ! !(保护生太,保护自关,自然平衡,自然壮观,才是人灵美好的家园!!!!)
Efficiency of water use should be raised and waste of water resources reduced to realize a natural balance.(二是在现有水资源供给条件下,提高用水效率、减少浪费,实现供求自然平衡。)
If I am pushed to say it, when the major characters of the word are too centrally placed, it might be fun to try to break them with the natural balance that only a hot spring has.(如果硬要说的话,就是主要的文字太中间了,另外如果按照温泉特有的自然的均衡感让文字崩散,应该也会很有趣。)
At the same time, this is a serious danger to the rib natural balance between the ecological environment.(同时,这也严重地危肋着自然生态环境间的平衡。)
Careful clinical research has shown this to be an effective amount to achieve a natural balance.(仔细的临床研究表明这是一个有效的金额达到自然的平衡。)
Making a great swing is about maintaining the natural balance of the body through the swing, not moving the balance point from left to right like many players are being told to do.(良好稳定的挥杆要求在整个挥杆的过程中保持身体转动轴的稳定和身体的平衡,整个身体没有大幅度的左右侧向滑动。)
It contains all we need - fiber, vitamins, minerals, and a natural balance of solid and liquids.(果实包含躯体的全部需要-纤维、维生素、矿物质、以及天然的固液平衡。)
Global climate change not only harms the natural balance of the ecosystem, but also threatens human survival.(全球气候变化不仅损害了生态系统的自然平衡,同时也威胁着人类的生存。)
Cognitive enhancement can effectively enhance cognitive ability. However, cognitive enhancement interfered in our body with the aims of non-therapy breaks our natural balance.(这种新型的技术可以极大地提高认知能力,但此技术对大脑进行的非医学目的干预可能打破人体的自然状态。)
And these could affect the natural balance in their environment.(这会影响到环境的自然平衡。)
natural balance是什么意思 natural balance在线翻译 natural balance什么意思 natural balance的意思 natural balance的翻译 natural balance的解释 natural balance的发音 natural balance的同义词